Thursday, December 30, 2010
Roads: Icy, Washboard, Plank Roads
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Genealogy Arrives
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tika & I Were Young Again

Both Tika and I felt young again as we beach walked over our Christmas get-a-way. But I did not chew on rotten beach stuff and get a tummy ache and bad breath. What genealogy did I do? Lots of Family Search Indexing and looking/working on my uploaded file at Ancestry. "Cloud" genealogy is wonderful!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tika & The Crab(shell)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tika takes us to the Pacific beach.

surf of the Pacific Coast beach (looking rather like this dogger). We have packed doggie towels, shampoo and her comb but we intend to allow her a good time. We are headed to Moclips for part of Christmas. Tika asked if Santa will find her there, and I assured her that he would. Think so? Her list for Santa is quite alarmingly long...... she took lessons from Snoopy on "A Charlie Brown Christmas."
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Winter Living

This rock-covered birdhouse Tika and I made last year from rocks that Handy Man ran through his rock tumbler. Birds do sometimes use it (wrens have) but mainly it is pretty and it is a snow gauge for us. Looking at it causes me to think upon the sod homes of some of our ancestors. How unbearably cold, wet, drafty their abodes must have been..... no wonder sickness and early death was such a presence. This birdhouse is tightly glued and nailed and the rocks provide insulation. This "people house" had nothing much to keep the people warm. Crazy comparison? Maybe; but snow does that to us. We today may say "we love the snow" (and Tika does) but we are blessed to have a warm, dry home.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tika and I like doggie jokes.

Catching up on newspaper reading, Tika was sitting in my lap as I enjoyed this Tundra cartoon. (Gee, I hope you have Tundra in your newspaper!). We both laughed and laughed...... and I promised Tika that I would never let her get "square." (Many thanks to Tundra creator Bill Kellogg for permission to use his delightful funny.)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tika Is Happy I Am Home
Tika was so-so glad to have me home. She sat quietly on my lap for an hour yesterday as I told her all about Thomas MacEntee, Leland Meitzler, my roomate, and all my good "tour family friends" of the Salt Lake Christmas Tour.......... and even the Plaza hotel staff who are wonderful too. I told her about my delving into early Colonial New England Scots-Irish immigration and while she did yawn a bit, she never left my lap. Of course it was cold, and very rainy outside which might have helped a bit. She did ask again about a Dachshund Family Genealogy and I just hugged her and said maybe next year there might would be such a one. (Remember, all she knows about her ancestry is that she comes from Idaho.) It's always good to go and good to come.
Monday, December 13, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Salt Lake Weather Guide??

Tika called last night; "when are you coming home???" I replied, "soon!"
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Flash Drives Are Us

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tika Misses Me

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Lights Tonight On Temple Square

Genealogy Wisdom & Dachshund Wisdom
"Beware of bargains in parachutes, life preservers, fire extinguishers, brain surgery AND genealogical research!" (don't know where I got this one).
Listened to Thomas MacEntee teach about Genealogy Toolboxes, why you should have one, why you should use one, how to create one, how to keep one and everything else you'd need to know about this topic. I'd bet he has information on this topic on his website . Great idea!
Monday, December 6, 2010
SLC & FHL & New Stuff!
Tika, your Nice Lady is so glad you are not here for I would not have time for you!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thomas MacEntee Be Coming!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Family History Library & Friends
Tika called last night and asked if there are any dachshund family histories. How to disappoint my little sweetie and tell her no??
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Family History Library...... I Be Here
Tika called me last night and said she misses me. She says Handy Man does too. I told Tika that I could NOT happily be HERE without knowing that all was well THERE. Same truth for us all, right?
Ancestors, here I come!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Family History Library & Temple Square Here I Come!

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Snow Digging Doxie
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Turkey in my yard.
Tika says: I have long given up on trying to chase this turkey into some fun action but let me tell you I try my darndest to bark and scare the real turkey-birds who flock into Nice Lady and Handy Man's yard. But they must be deaf; just like Rusty Turkey, the real ones are either deaf or too snooty to care about a barking dachshund. Thinking of turkey, Nice Lady read where turkey and venison were about the only foods the Pilgrims had on that first Thanksgiving that we traditionally enjoy today. Me? I like turkey, venison, FOOD!
Friday, November 26, 2010
William Bradford..... My Ancestor

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Plymouth Rock..... Was It Real?

In the August 1987 issue of The Mayflower Quarterly (publication of the Society of Mayflower Descendants), I authored an article on "The History of Plymouth Rock." I researched and wrote the bit because if it was true, then my ancestor had put his foot upon that very rock!
Well, bottom line, there is no real, hard-core evidence that the rock now enshrined in a columned portico in Plymouth harbor is that "real" rock or not. Surely there is much history about the rock but it was a good 200 years later that folks really got interested in finding and preserving the rock...... if it existed. You do your reading and research and let me know what you think!
I've been lucky enough to have visited Plymouth and visited the rock. It's way too big to pick up so all thoughts of purloining it fled from my mind. But to stand there and close your eyes and imagine......... ah, that is the real magic of the rock.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Mayflower..... A "sweet" ship.

The Mayflower had been in service since 1609 (under the constant command of Capt. Christopher Jones) and in 1623, after her most famous voyage, the ship returned to England and was likely dismantled for scrap lumber. Although the story is considered apocryphal, the Mayflower Barn just outside the Quaker village of Jordans in Buckinghamshire is said to be built from these timbers.
This photo is of a replica, the Mayflower II, moored in Plymouth harbor and open for touring.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tika & Me & Snow
Mayflower Compact........ Did You Know?

Tika has again given me permission to continue this saga. One important aspect of the Mayflower-Pilgrim story was the crafting of the Mayflower Compact. This was the first governing document of the Plymouth Colony. The Mayflower was originally bound for the mouth of the Hudson River (land granted there by the Crown to the Virginia Company) but for several reasons the ship sailed north to the New England coast. This decision inspired some of the "strangers" (colonists who were not members of the congregation) to say that since the settlement would not be made in the agreed-upon territory they "would use their own liberty; for non had power to command them....." The wiser heads, knowing winter was coming and they must work together to survive, drew up what was in essence a social contract in which the settlers consented to follow common rules and regulations for the sake of survival.
Known as the Mayflower Compact, it was signed on 11 Nov 1620 (OS..... or 21 Nov 1620 NS) by 41 of the ship's 102 passengers in what is now Provincetown Harbor near Cape Cod. With Google you can find and read a transcript of this famous document. And now you know.
Thank you, Tika.
Monday, November 22, 2010
William Bradford....... Portrait

Sunday, November 21, 2010
William Bradford.......... My Ancestor
Friday, November 19, 2010
Color Bindness...... People & Dogs

According to The Essential Dachshund doxies "cannot distinguish many colors." Does that say they are color blind? My son-in-law is color blind. According to Wikipedia, many more men than women are color blind...... 99.5% vs. .5%. Color blindness is a condition that affects the person's perception of colors. These discrepancies lead to changes in color vision that range from mild difficulty in recognizing shades to total inability of detecting colors. (And you wondered why your man mis-matched his tie and shirt and his socks??) How did the condition of color bindness affect our male ancestors? I suspect they, not knowing any difference, coped quite well. And Tika? "What me worry?" is her answer.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Family History Time: Grandmother's Birthday

Tika is home!
But as she held me in her lap I could tell she was musing on all the lost pets she's knows...... and multiply that into all the lost pets her ancestors knew.......... how many have old photos of an ancestor with their pet??? Never was, never is and never will be fun to loose a beloved pet.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Nice Lady Was Veeerrrryyyy Bad
Know what happened when I, Tika, gobbled down an entire cooked ham hock?? Nice Lady, thinking she was being extra nice to me, gave me a big juicy, marow-filled, hambone and I did eat. Eat it all. That evening, I was in the vet clinic and had to stay over night and have x-rays, and enemas to help me pass the pieces that hardened like glue....... all to the tune of $500. Silly, silly Nice Lady. Know we both know better.
And what has this to do with genealogy? Only that it's difficult to think about anything genealogy when your sweet little dogger is hurting.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Probate packet filing cabinets from olden days.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
A Little German shirt??
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Heinz 57 and Genealogy

So what does that mean exactly, I asked her. (Yes, I can communicate questions!) According to Wikipedia, Heinz 57 became the slogan of the H.J. Heinz Company of Pittsburg back in 1892. The company even then offered a variety of products and wanting to advertize their great number of choices the numbers "5" and "7" were chosen because they were the Heinz's lucky numbers. In 1892 the company offered 60 products; today they offer over 6000. (My favorite is ketchup.)
But the name "Heinz 57" is also sometimes used to describe a dog which is a mix of multiple breeds and it also is used as slang to refer to people of multiple ethnicity.
Nice Lady is English and German with a teeny long-ago smat of French, Welsh and Scot. Does that qualify as being a Heinz 57 person?
I, Tika, am a dachshund, a doxie, a hound, a weiner and Nice Lady calls me a Punkin. So guess I am a Heinz 57 dogger!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Dogs are important.....the president says so.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Genealogy, Cheese Curds and Me!

Friday, November 5, 2010
Genealogy Saturday coming up.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Salt Lake Christmas Tour

Monday, November 1, 2010
Tika does cemetery research.
Tika and I took a walk through a nearby cemetery, the Fort Wright Military Cemetery. A complete listing of all those buried there can be found on the website of the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society ( The sign board reads:
"Fort Wright was approved by an act of Congress in 1895 and officially opened in 1899. The original US Army post covered 1,000 acres and was an active military base until 1958. Many of the original buildings still exist and are included in the Fort Wright National Historic District. The cemetery was authorized by the Secretary of War on December 13, 1899. Remains of soldiers, officers and others were moved here from Fort Spokane and Ft. Sherman, near Coeur d'Alene, in 1900. The cemetery is occupied with the graves of veterans, their wives and other family members. All branches of the service are represented here. There are appoximately 650 graves located here. Fairchild Air Force Base USAF is the caretaker of the cemetery."
Tika was saddened to see the stones for "infant of-----" with no further information. Luckily, there are not many of those. But tromping tombstones is tiring!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
I have a new "sister"!
Eager genealogists in Sandpoint, Idaho.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Question About Legacy?
As for my news today, it has been raining and raining here but we went for our usual walk anyway. Then Nice Lady held me up and took the hose (with VERY COLD water) to my feet and tummy saying I was "socially unacceptable" whatever that means. Do you think that is considered Tika abuse???
Thursday, October 28, 2010
October & "Nice Lady's" Ancestry

Nice lady was explaining to me that only two events happened in her ancestor's lives in October. Her grandfather, Henry Melville Potter, died in October 1952 in Illinois and her great-grandmother, Viola Belle Evans, died in October in 1962 in Michigan......... Kalamazoo to be exact. Then Nice Lady was smiling and singing the "Kalamazoo song" as she was born in that musical sounding town. Know where it is?? As for me, Tika, I think I was born in Idaho. No songs there.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Mom-Daughter Lunch
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Nice Lady has a family increase!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Legacy Webinar was fantastic, but..............

I did not get my walk yesterday and I pouted all evening. But Nice Lady did not seem to care; she was at her computer attending something called a webinar and listening to a lady named dearMyrtle tell her all about something called blogging. Well! I could have told Nice Lady all about that..... I'm doing a blog, aren't I?? But Nice Lady seemed happy and interested and was taking notes. What do I know? I'm only a Dachshund Blogger.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Crazy town names.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Good Day & Bad Day

Nice Lady and Handy Man were both gone ALL DAY yesterday, leaving me ALL ALONE all day. But I was a very good dogger while they were gone and did not need scolding when they returned. (I am over 2 years old and a very big girl after all.) Nice Lady was gone teaching a class on something called FamilySearch Indexing. I know what this is! It's when in the evenings Nice Lady sits at her computer with me at her feet we share a cookie!! Or maybe two cookies. So I'm sure FamilySearch Indexing is something really good. Think so?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Oregon Juncos

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Furry burrs.
This is the lane where Nice Lady takes me for a walk (out to the mail or newspaper box) a couple of times a day. Sometimes she lets me run into the weeds and that's so much fun! So much to smell! But when we get back it's not so fun. She insists on COMBING ME. She keeps asking me, "Do you want to sit on our lap on on the rug? Well, combing out the burrs is the key." But I do not like it, sam I am.
Fences. Nice Lady has done some Wikipedia and other searching about the different types of fences her ancestors built and for the different reasons. She says it's a very interesting subject. All I know about fences (and I'm a girl dog remember) is that Nice Lady hooks me to the fence sometimes. And I run into the burry weeds!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Follow me??

Are you enjoying my blog? I, Tika, am asking that if so, you click on the FOLLOWER link and let my Nice Lady know that you do. I want to be friends with all dog loving genealogists!