Monday, April 30, 2012

Tika Teaches


Last Saturday Tika stayed home while I attended a FamilySearch Symposium. This was the first annual (of many we hope) genealogy or family history all day event under the umbrella of FamilySearch here in my Spokane area. The Symposium offered presentations on: Beginning Genealogy, Using An iPad for Genealogy, RootsMagic, Using the FamilySearch PORTAL, Finding Your Civil War Ancestor, Blogging for Genealogy, Walking with Ancestors and much more. The hit of the day were the sit-down appointments with our Geek Team where they'd work one-on-one with you on and It was a great learning day and Tika was happy to sit with me and hear all about it when I got home .......... especially as I gave her a cookie that had fallen to the floor. 

My point in sharing this with you today is this: You will not know if you do not go.  Do you really want to find those elusive and rascally ancestors or do you want to just talk about not finding them? If you would get up and GO........... go attend seminars and symposiums and workshops and programs and meetings....... GO to your local FamilySearch Center....... GO to your local society meetings, classes, workshops, etc.  GO and ask your questions; GO and learn; GO and get answers.  Tiz up to you. 

Tika recommends going and learning and I most certainly do agree with her.