Monday, March 2, 2015

Tika & Conference Tags & More

I love collecting all the stick-ons to my official name tag at a conference but what to do with those long tags once home? Not to mention my Bloggers' Beads from dearMyrt and Thomas MacEntee. Solution? A nice piece of 1-by-1, with cuphooks screwed into it every 2-3 inches, and then screwed into the wall. Actually, my office wall is an A-frame so the hanging is easier. But there they are and now both Tika and I can see them and remember.

Tika does love to sit on my lap when I'm catching up on my magazine reading. I was teaching her from this issue of Internet Genealogy when she fell asleep, as dogs will. I always read my magazines cover-to-cover; why else pay the subscription price? 

Internet Genealogy, and its companion, Your Genealogy Today (which used to be Family Chronicle) are great magazines containing articles of timely interest, how-to articles and background case-study articles. Good reads all around. Click to or or call toll free 1-8888-326-2476 for subscription information. 


Tika and I never missed an episode (new, old, rerun, no matter) of Star Trek. We will miss knowing that Leonard Nimoy is no longer walking this earth but is surely out in space somewhere. A favorite quote of Spock's that I jotted down years ago was this:  "The miracle is this...the more we share, the more we have." Rest in peace, Captain Spock. You were a big part of my life. Tika's too.

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