I love collecting all the stick-ons to my official name tag at a conference but what to do with those long tags once home? Not to mention my Bloggers' Beads from dearMyrt and Thomas MacEntee. Solution? A nice piece of 1-by-1, with cuphooks screwed into it every 2-3 inches, and then screwed into the wall. Actually, my office wall is an A-frame so the hanging is easier. But there they are and now both Tika and I can see them and remember.
Tika does love to sit on my lap when I'm catching up on my magazine reading. I was teaching her from this issue of Internet Genealogy when she fell asleep, as dogs will. I always read my magazines cover-to-cover; why else pay the subscription price?
Internet Genealogy, and its companion, Your Genealogy Today (which used to be Family Chronicle) are great magazines containing articles of timely interest, how-to articles and background case-study articles. Good reads all around. Click to www.yourgenealogytoday.com or www.internet-genealogy.com or call toll free 1-8888-326-2476 for subscription information.
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